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Talk: Rip off the bandaid!
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2017 – a talk about CryptoParty, its limits, and the next steps to…

Transcyberian Berlin: Episode 1
I organized the first edition of the Paris-born Transcyberian in Berlin on June 16th, 2017, at c-base. Transcyberian…

CryptoParty must die
Talk at Openfest in Sofia, 2015 – a talk about my experiences with CryptoParty and training. I published…
The problem with CryptoParty
Over the past two years, I have been part of the CryptoParty movement. I have learnt and shared…

CryptoParty Flyer: Smartphone security
For CryptoParty Berlin.Download on Github: front – back.Please note that this document is outdated.

CryptoParty Poster
For CryptoParty Berlin.Download on Github: English – German.

CryptoParty Flyer
For CryptoParty Berlin.Download on Github: German front|back – English front|back.

CryptoParty Banner
For CryptoParty.Download on Github.

GPG Box tutorial
How to build a GPG Box to teach email encryption – a tutorial in collaboration with @nsmnsr. Featured…

The CryptoParty video
A video I made for the CryptoParty introduction talks.

Sicker: Es gibt etliche Methoden um die Daten zu verschlüsseln
Pint your own! Files here

Sticker: Landesverräter
Pint your own! Files here

Pint your own! Files here

Dans les CryptoParties, il n’y a ni « expert », ni « débile »
Le but d’un mouvement tel que CryptoParty est, avec toute la modeste capacité d’action que nous avons, de…

Pint your own! Files here

Talk: This is our future
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2014 – A talk about privacy awareness through pop culture.