Information security is now an established weapon in the fight to keep journalists and their sources safe, but…

Talk: Presenting Nextcloud Simple Signup
Talk at Netzpolitischer Abend by Digitale Gesellschaft at c-base, Berlin, 2018 – a talk about Nextcloud Simple Signup.

Talk: Rip off the bandaid!
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2017 – a talk about CryptoParty, its limits, and the next steps to…

CryptoParty must die
Talk at Openfest in Sofia, 2015 – a talk about my experiences with CryptoParty and training. I published…

I come in peace
Talk at BalCCon 2k15 in Novi Sad, Serbia, 2015 – a talk about women in tech.

Talk: This is our future
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2014 – A talk about privacy awareness through pop culture.
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