Information security is now an established weapon in the fight to keep journalists and their sources safe, but…

Open letter: I am WikiLeaks
In 2017, I coordinated the open letter asking US president Trump to immediately close the Grand Jury investigation…
ShShMob16 Datasec Handbook
Information security handbook for Journalists for a training with Eastern European journalists and bloggers with n-ost and bpb in Ordessa, 2016.

Challenge Power: The Logan CIJ Symposium
I was part of the core organizing team for the Logan CIJ Symposium, 11-12 March 2016, Berlin. Read…
I was one of the organizers of the open letter in support of the journalists of Netzpolitik and…

Deux journalistes accusés de « haute trahison » : tollé en Allemagne
Ce qui a commencé en février avec des révélations par un blog respecté mais marginal en Allemagne, s’est…

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