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Deutschlandfunk Nova: Was Onlinefirmen über uns wissen
On January 15, 2019, I was invited to share some tips about how to protect your data online…

Talk: Presenting Nextcloud Simple Signup
Talk at Netzpolitischer Abend by Digitale Gesellschaft at c-base, Berlin, 2018 – a talk about Nextcloud Simple Signup.

Who owns your data?
Where is your data? Where are the pictures from your last vacation on the beach, where is your…

Talk: Rip off the bandaid!
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2017 – a talk about CryptoParty, its limits, and the next steps to…

Transcyberian Berlin: Episode 1
I organized the first edition of the Paris-born Transcyberian in Berlin on June 16th, 2017, at c-base. Transcyberian…

Sticker: #dontblocktor
(never printed – read more about the context here) Download on Github.

Cloudflare memes
A collection of memes about Cloudflare. You can read more about the issue about Cloudflare and the context…

Challenge Power: The Logan CIJ Symposium
I was part of the core organizing team for the Logan CIJ Symposium, 11-12 March 2016, Berlin. Read…

Sticker: Cloudflare CAPTCHA
Pint your own! Files here

CryptoParty must die
Talk at Openfest in Sofia, 2015 – a talk about my experiences with CryptoParty and training. I published…
Cloudflare documentation
Links, explanations and more about the issues caused by Cloudflare for Tor users.

How to do respectful keysigning
A (very) nerdy keysigning chart.

The CryptoParty video
A video I made for the CryptoParty introduction talks.

Sicker: Es gibt etliche Methoden um die Daten zu verschlüsseln
Pint your own! Files here

Pint your own! Files here

Dans les CryptoParties, il n’y a ni « expert », ni « débile »
Le but d’un mouvement tel que CryptoParty est, avec toute la modeste capacité d’action que nous avons, de…
Guten Morgen, NSA
„Ich kann euch in meinem Zimmer spüren. Warum wurde ich euch zugewiesen? Ich weiß, dass ihr mich besser…

Pint your own! Files here

Sticker: We have onions
Pint your own! Files here

Talk: This is our future
Keynote at OpenFest in Sofia, 2014 – A talk about privacy awareness through pop culture.
Grundkurs Überwachung
Immer dieser Big Brother. Wenn in Texten über die NSA ein Vergleich der heutigen Situation mit literarischen Werken…
Crimes de guerre et décryptage de données : nouvelles révélations de Snowden
C’est probablement l’un des documents les plus choquants publiés depuis les révélations de Snowden. JPEL, abréviation de « Joint…